The Finished Product & The Wait

How many times in life do you start something but never see the actual finished product. That’s what it’s like with growing produce. You very rarely see where the product ends up. The buyer for our Chip Potatoes has a website where the grower can see photos of the finished product. In this case Potato Chips. Don’t they look yummy?

It’s the start to another growing year. Just like many things in life, it’s a waiting game. Wait for the right time. Wait for the weather to be just right. Wait for the first plant to start poking up through the ground. Wait for the field to be full of blossoms. Wait to see if they produce the crop you need. Wait for trucks to load the product and take them away.

While all the waiting is going on you are praying. Praying that you get the right amount of sun, heat and rain.

The wait is on.