Entries by Sandy

Where did the time go…

It seems like yesterday I posted about finishing up packing the last of the onions from last year and now it’s almost September.  As a farmer spring comes and the crops are planted and you start to pray for the perfect weather to grow the crops.  (I would say we almost wish the summer away […]

Our Future Farmer!

Meet Abigail! She’s our future farmer! She loves the tractors and dirt about as much as her dad did! She’ll ride in the tractor with Mark for hours! Even with a Cast on her foot!  

The Pump Station!

     The Pump Station was built in 1961 by the Army Corp of Engineers as part of the Five Mile Creek Watershed project. To preserve the Mucklands in Prattsburgh and Wheeler. It replaced a gravity fed system that was inadequate  to drain the 550 acres drained swamp. It was referred to in Prattsburgh Folklore […]

Cold & Snowy as the Eagle keeps watch.

As the snow dances across the open fields, the Eagle sits in the tall trees around the muck waiting for any small creature to stir. With it’s wings wide open it glides along the fields in hopes of a meal.  It is a great reminder to me of the Freedoms we have and for the […]

Cheers to you- our employees.

I say Cheers to  all the employees that help our operation run. We have Brian, Justin and Jacob that work full time and in the fall we have several drivers that help keep the trucks moving. Thank you for all your help!  We are looking forward to 2014!

Where does the Sassy come from?

When we made the move to Prattsburgh we decided we needed a brand name for our onions. I believe it was my dad that remembered a photo he had taken of Cass when she was about 3? The photo was added to our bags and the brand of Sassy Onions was born! P.S. That little […]

Looking back at Elba.

J. Edwin & Teresa Squires started the onion farm in Elba, NY. They lived in Barre Center and raised all 5 children in the white house on Route 98. Their  love for farming has been passed down generations. Mom and Dad are both gone now and I am certain that they are sitting on a […]

Be kind to the Truckers

After 4 months of classes and driving time Greg got his CDL Class A license. That is the license to drive Tractor Trailers. We have always hired trucking companies to haul our onions to the city but this year we broke down and bought a truck and trailer. The grandchildren thought it was the biggest […]

The Harvest is Done.

It seems like this might have been the longest harvest in history. (they all seem that way) but it is done. The onions are all put away in the buildings, the bin in full of soybeans, the tractors are washed (yes- washed!) and put away, the trucks are all tucked away in corners of the […]

So close yet so far

When the harvest gets close to the end it is always the hardest. The weather gets colder and snow begins to be  part of the mix. The onions seem to bunker down in the dirt and when the sun comes out so do they. The last 20 acres always seem to take the longest.  With […]